As I stated, the answer to that question varies, and it's very dependent on the price of the alternative energies that you have to compete against. Three years ago, working back through the numbers for a typical solar domestic hot water package that would handle a household with a family of five people, the type of payback we were looking at was probably in the range of five to six years.
The recent trends and the reductions in natural gas prices have pushed that number significantly outward. If you look at an equivalent price by converting a gigajoule of energy of natural gas to an equivalent of electricity, the lowest prices in Canada, in Alberta, for example, would be about a cent a kilowatt hour, which is very, very low. On the east coast, where natural gas prices are higher, it's about four cents per kilowatt hour for natural gas. For example, the City of Halifax has a program that encourages homeowners to put in solar systems, and that program is going quite well.