I believe so, but I also agree with the professor in that she talked about the safety authority needing to be properly financed and with proper regulatory training for the people who work there. All of that needs to be automatic. When I refer to a stand-alone safety agency, to me this has to come with it. I think it would be different, because your job is about just the safety aspect and you would be more proactive, as we have seen with the other safety authorities in other jurisdictions.
Norway in particular has very strong all-stakeholder involvement. In fact, on helicopter safety they conduct a tripartite review of helicopter safety every three to five years. They have done three now in the last decade. They look at all aspects of helicopter transportation in their offshore and how they might collectively make improvements in that regard.
They just did so with a number of recommendations, one of which was to mitigate night flights even though they have a much better operating environment than we do in the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore. That is to say that in the Norwegian waters, they have multiple platforms on which helicopters can land in case there is a problem. From one platform to another, you do not have 300 kilometres of open ocean. There are places for these helicopters to be able to stop down. I think that makes a big difference and speaks to the 30-minute run-dry capability.
In fact, not just the TSB recommended that helicopters in Newfoundland's offshore have the minimum 30-minute run-dry capability; so did Commissioner Wells. These helicopters do exist in the world, if this were to be taken seriously.
Once again, with a stand-alone safety authority, I think your first response would be to say, “Okay, we are regulating the offshore in this regard; let's make this a condition of operation in the offshore operating environment.”
I am very concerned that this key recommendation around the 30-minute run-dry has still not been implemented. I can tell you that the families of the victims of Cougar flight 491 have been very strong about saying that we need to do something to improve helicopter safety in the offshore.
This latest incident in July 2011 I can tell you was very chilling for the people who work in the offshore and for the families—and to find out two years later that we nearly had another crash that could have had another loss of life at the same time as we have a helicopter safety implementation committee operating offshore that has not once considered a way to deal with helicopter safety as being an increase in fleet capacity. None of these matters have been looked at.
So yes, I think a stand-alone safety agency is critical.