In Europe there's an institution called, I think, Resource Alliance. I don't know if you're familiar with that group, Professor, but essentially it's a German group. ThyssenKrupp, I believe, is part of it, and Siemens, Bosch, and a number of other large manufacturing companies. The strategy is to secure critical materials.
To answer your question, we have KORES, Korea Resources, basically looking at critical metal deposits and bringing together industry—Samsung and others. In Japan you have JOGMEC.
So there are institutions around the world, some semi-governmental, that other independents such as Resource Alliance...I'm not sure if they have government support, but it's very industry-focused. But again, these are large companies with better cash positions than the emerging mining companies we have now. So there is an effort to do that, and that is the solution. If these companies want to secure these metals, I think they realize they have to make investments. Toyota Tsusho made an investment in Matamec, and I can tell you that I've met a number of them who are very interested, but again there is a technology risk that they don't really understand. Many of these companies are not mining companies, so I think they will need institutions like CREEN.