Sure. The difference among the companies is due to the fact that each one is dealing with a different mineral deposit. So the front end is different for every company; that is, how you do the chemistry to put these rare earth elements into the solution.
But once you put them into the solution through the so-called leaching process, then the separation is common for all these companies. I'm aware of some discussions about the creation of a toll refinery where all companies put their rare earth solutions into a centralized facility. The facility is doing the separation for everybody and returning back the equivalent benefits depending on the amount of inputs going into the centralized facility.
But again my sense is that there is competition among companies. Each one is working independently. It is very important. That's why CREEN has been developed to bring all these companies together, identify technology issues that are common to all of them, and discuss with universities to identify, as a consequence, a common research project to help universities and private laboratories develop the common technology needed to address this for the sake of efficiency and speed rather than each one of these companies working on their own, in which case they don't have the resources anyway to complete the job.