Thanks for the question. It's timely.
We are working currently on a deal with the National Association of Friendship Centres, a national organization that works in urban areas. We're setting up a system whereby, when they identify candidates who are ready for our industry or who just need a bit of upgrading to be able to work in our industry, these people are being flagged, and we're going to give them front-of-the-line treatment into apprenticeship programs in a way similar to what we're doing for people when they come out of the armed forces through out helmets to hardhats initiative. The National Association of Friendship Centres is a key organization that we're linking up with to identify and to increase the penetration of our membership.
At the end of the day the companies have to commit to hire these folks as well, and so when we're in negotiations with these companies we're really pushing this activity and others to make sure that there are local workforce requirements also.