Let me give you maybe two examples.
One is the difference in welding standards in Alberta. The qualifications for a welder in Alberta are so high that it makes sense for companies to manufacture and to weld outside of Alberta and to import into Alberta, increasing the cost of the projects, but also making it very difficult for manufacturers to make sense of doing a lot of production in Alberta. That's one example and it affects Alberta itself.
Another is pressure vessel standards. We should have one system of pressure vessel standards across the country that takes into consideration the differences in the use of those pressure vessels, but again one window that would make it much easier. So if you're doing business and if you are successful in Canada in doing business in ten provinces and three territories, you are regulated 13 or 14 times, versus someone who is outside of the country and who only needs to go through one standard approval to get the product into the market. It is a major barrier to our ability to capture the economic benefits of resources, and not just on the energy side, but of doing business across this country.