Labour mobility is a major issue. We talk about the details of the bill and, generally, we need to look at what can facilitate better labour mobility. It's more than simply subsidizing travel. I think it's also.... I meet a lot of people flying from the Maritimes, for example, out to Fort McMurray and back on a regular basis, and one of the reasons is they just simply can't afford to live in Alberta and simply can't afford to sell their house in the Maritimes and move out to the west. So, there are major issues here around labour mobility that we have to focus on.
There's an age component in here, too, in that it's very difficult for someone who's spent all of their life, maybe in an area of skills and trades, to all of a sudden pick up and move somewhere else. Canadians, probably even more so than Americans, are very reluctant to.... Older Canadians, past 25—