I totally agree. Around the projects themselves, it provides greater certainty. That just backs up all the way through the supply chain in terms of potential customers, potential business, which is extremely important.
I think what I would very much like to see is that same streamlined approach being applied to other approvals for development as well, both the approvals process and our very complex regulatory system in Canada. I see a lot of investment that we lose simply because of unnecessary regulatory compliance. That's not to say the outcomes aren't.... We need healthy, safe, secure consumer protection and environmental protection, but we add on all this complexity and high cost. If we could make regulation easy to comply with and less costly to comply with, you would get better compliance in the regulation.
What I see in particular, in terms of the ability of people or the ability of companies to move product across the country, are again significant barriers to internal trade within Canada as a result of different product standards, different standards for trades, and different standards for labour mobility and credential recognition in Canada. Foreign companies can take advantage of this market far more easily than other companies in Canada can, because they don't have to face the interprovincial barriers to trade that other companies in this country actually face.