Yes. In particular, people have the impression that the average oil and gas worker is an engineer or a geophysicist, but increasingly the average oil and gas worker is a graduate from a technical college or institute, a skilled tradesworker in essence or a power engineer or an engineering technologist.
The oil sands have been incredible in that, as Jay Myers and the CME outlined, they're essentially a manufacturing business. So when you have these very large construction sites of 15,000 workers, in some cases the project labour agreements have up to 20% of that labour force as apprentices. That provides an absolute scale of training and opportunities to move people quickly through their apprentice rankings and up to the full Red Seal. In that way, the oil sands is a skilled trades training powerhouse. With one third of the population we are turning out more apprentices in Alberta than the entire province of Ontario, and that has come as a result of many decades of very focused work by NAIT/SAIT, and the industry, as well as non-union and unionized workers.