Certainly. We supported that when it was proposed, and we'd still like to see it go ahead. In fact, tomorrow I'm meeting with the UA and we're having a discussion about what other ways we, as an industry, should think about to support enhanced labour mobility. I think Alberta's pretty good. We have good access to Alberta for skilled trades from other provinces, but we have a lot to do. The job grant was a step in the right direction, but implementing and maintaining the rigour of the Red Seal program.... Sometimes in our industry, between the contractors, the building trades, and the construction project issues, there are different issues related to actually moving people through their apprenticeship and getting them to actually obtain their Red Seal; and we have to do a better job of that as well.
The engineers will say you also have to increase the funnel. So we just have to do a whole lot of work in attracting more people into the skilled trades. Sometimes I look at, for example, other women who might work in more low-paying jobs and I ask myself why they aren't training, especially with the job grant and the potential of an interest-free student loan to take a skilled trade. It's a 16-week training, and you can get on a site.