Thank you very much.
Again, thank you to all of our witnesses for being here. These are always very interesting sessions.
We have some new members of the committee who might not be aware of some of the testimony we have previously heard about the feasibility of doing more upgrading, as they say, in Canada. We've had witnesses here who have made it quite clear to us that the margins are best in the areas we are currently utilizing them in, and that refineries are not the highest margin area or else they would be being built in Canada right now. Nothing is preventing them.
I just wanted to start out making that point, and also the point that the oil sands are the largest high-tech project in the country, providing the largest number of high-tech jobs.
I want to move from that to something you said, Ms. Annesley, about Oxford Properties Group developments. Can you tell us about the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan investments in the oil sands, please?