Thank you, Mr. Trost.
What's interesting about being an entrepreneur in the oil and gas industry is that it opens the door to a variety of backgrounds in everything from starting a janitorial service, which may not require significant post-secondary education, to fabrication shops, which require some trades, to working on the leasing side of the business, which requires a finance background. In other words, there's huge variability in the opportunities that exist within the oil sands, which is what is so attractive about it to me and to so many others.
There are small, medium, and large enterprises that participate in all aspects of the supply chain. Although we may not always contract directly with the owner, or TransCanada, for example, we may contract with their prime contractors, or the subcontractors of those prime contractors. There's a great trickle effect in oil sands development, starting from the top with the large companies that are basically financing the development of this, to the resources, to the small and medium companies that exist primarily to serve the oil and gas industry.