In terms of diversity of supply for refineries, the very positive thing from a pricing standpoint is obviously the more suppliers you have, the greater the potential that you can get better pricing. Also there are benefits in terms of security of supply. If one of your supply points for whatever reason goes down, then you have other supply points you can rely on.
A number of factors point to the benefits of having diversity of supply. Certainly, the Irving refinery in New Brunswick having access to western Canadian crude supply to replace, in large part or in whole, the crude supply they currently get from foreign sources is a good thing. Ultimately, there would be benefits for the region overall. Specific quantification of those isn't my domain, but in general terms there would be benefits. Of course, when I talk about the region, I'm talking about the Maritimes in general.
I don't have a specific comment on the specific status of the refinery in Dartmouth. Those are based on lots of different economic factors that I'm not qualified to comment on.