Mr. Howard, I have a question for you about CERI and the work that you do.
I've been on your website and have taken a look at your mission and who your researchers are. You certainly do some impressive work. My husband is an economist, so I know when you're looking at benefits through an economist's lens it's really very much about numbers. I see your staff has impressive credentials in engineering, accounting, economics, and things like that. I wonder if through any of your research, especially when it comes to things like the oil sands or pipelines, you do any of that more social science oriented research that looks at things like community acceptance or social licence. I think about, for example, the proposed fuel directive in Europe. That's not an economic proposition; that's a political proposition. That's about what communities or consumers are saying is or is not acceptable. It has nothing to do with just the raw numbers.
In a few provinces we have feed-in tariffs, and I know economists look at the idea of feed-in tariffs and think that doesn't work. But communities sometimes really rally around feed-in tariffs. In Nova Scotia we have the community feed-in tariff and people are wildly excited about this. I'm not able to find anything on your website about that kind of social science research looking at the impacts and what some of the possible barriers or hurdles are. Do you do any of that kind of work?