Thank you, Mr. Chair, ladies and gentlemen. It is my absolute pleasure to be here today.
As you may know, Deloitte is among the largest professional services firms in the world, with offices in more than 150 countries, including Ukraine. Suffice it to say, the issue we’re discussing is close to us in numerous ways.
For my part, I am a partner in our Calgary office, and I lead our Canadian oil and gas practice. Services we tend to provide to all of the oil and gas companies are regarding advisory, modelling, and general consulting services, just to set the stage on where we contribute to this industry.
Meanwhile, it is important to note that our member firms are legally independent of each other throughout the globe. Therefore, today I will be speaking specifically from a Canadian perspective.
I am honoured to speak from a Canadian supply and demand, and logistics and capacity perspective of the high level of what we believe Canada could do to help out with the current crisis.
The primary challenge is really around infrastructure. By way of resources, if we set the stage at a very high level, we clearly have plenty to share.
Let us look at a quick calculation of the 2013 production in Canada versus its current domestic use, in other words the amount we export. If we were to take the high-level, somewhat impractical but illustrative exercise of diverting all of our current exports to the European Union, how much of the current European import amounts would that displace? In other words, how much of a player could Canada be in helping out this situation?
Currently we export 1.2 million barrels a day of crude oil. If Russia turned off all the taps entirely, that would be almost 40% of the potential European Union shortfall, almost 1.8 trillion cubic feet of gas per year, which is almost 33% of the EU shortfall, and 21.7 million tonnes of coal a year, which is almost 43% of the potential European Union shortfall.
Those are large numbers, but in the context of what we can reasonably do in the situation in the Ukraine, those numbers assume some very important things.
First, it's assuming there is no increase in Canadian production, even though we have significant proven reserves. I will talk about that in a second.
Second, it's assuming we have market access and all of the infrastructure to get the product to tidewaters, and then to process that to transport to Europe. It's also assuming that the Canadian oil and gas companies will consider that an economic export location versus some other alternatives.
Third, which is the largest assumption, but is for illustrative purposes only, it's assuming that all the Canadian excess capacity would be currently diverted from its current customers, primarily the U.S., to the EU.
Let's go through those issues in detail, because I think it will illustrate some of the challenges and opportunities we have in Canada.
In terms of existing pipelines, we know they're pretty well all maxed out, which is why growth, especially in the oil sands sector, needs the three-million-plus barrels a day of new capacity represented in the variety of pipeline proposals currently on the books. If the capacity does expand, production of all those resources is forecast to far outpace our current domestic consumption. In other words, the rate of which we can increase our production is a lot higher, a lot faster than the rate of which we are going to be able to build infrastructure. So production isn't our problem.
The second assumption is very fair, and that is regarding market access and infrastructure constraints. It is our belief that projects like Northern Gateway, Keystone XL, the Line 9 reversal and Energy East are all very viable and should proceed, notwithstanding some legitimate stakeholder concerns that must be addressed. Currently, of course, the pricing economics favour exports from Canada to Asia over that of Europe. That, therefore, may not make it as attractive to export to the European Union, even if we did have the infrastructure to export out of Canada.
Of course, there's the proposed fuel quality directive, which is a clear and present danger to some of our crude export hopes, particularly the oil sands.
As for the third assumption, which is diverting all of current exports from the United States, that is exceptionally impractical. But it does show that with no increase in our current production, Canada's energy independence as a country would not be threatened by an increase in exports outside of Canada.
Regardless of any of those scenarios playing through, we're still left with a very serious infrastructure deficit.
By any estimates, the most aggressive estimates to supply gas to Europe are for around five, six, or eight years, during which time we would have to be exceptionally busy building the needed facilities, none of which we are currently building at the required pace.
I would also like to point out that this means we are not ready to respond to any other similar situations like this should they happen in the next few years. I am talking about similar global energy crises with which Canada may come to help.
I believe we know most of this, so rather than retread over covered ground, I would like to close with a couple of short-term and medium-term ideas that we may want to consider.
For a short-term idea, we are an exporter of resources, and we have been since the founding of our country, but what about exporting our technology, individuals, people, and our expertise as well? Canada could provide not just resources but knowledge, skills, and technology to help develop local resources, proficiency, and expertise. I understand an earlier witness suggested this, but I want to mention it, because we agree it's a substantial opportunity for Canada.
We understand that we do have a skills shortage in Canada, there is no doubt, and this seems to conflict with what we're talking about. But we are talking about growing a centre of excellence, not just for resources but also for technology know-how in the areas of oil field services, energy efficiency, education, and training. This will benefit Canada as a whole. Meanwhile, Canadian expertise in these areas is absolutely world-renowned.
A medium-term opportunity would be Canada collaborating with the United States to collectively feed the EU markets. I will talk about gas first.
In terms of an LNG supply, North America offers relatively short shipping distances, relatively little political risk, and very transparent pricing. The viability of U.S. LNG liquefaction projects can be understood by using the concept of shale spreads, which represent the price differential between shale-driven natural gas, which is a low price, and natural gas prices in other regions, including the EU and Asia. There's a substantial spread. Although in Europe it's not as substantial as it is in Asia, there is still a substantial spread. Collaboration between the United States and Canada, with its already existing interconnected natural gas infrastructure, would accelerate the export of liquefied natural gas.
With respect to collaboration with oil, pipelines such as Keystone XL would allow the transfer of Canada's heavy oil to the U.S. gulf, which those refineries are well set up to produce. It could allow the possibility of diverting some existing U.S. imports or even U.S. production of light oil to the EU, which the refineries there are better suited to produce.
Beyond those two ideas, I would like to reiterate that I believe the infrastructure is still the crux of our challenge, both in specific terms of the situation in Ukraine as well as domestically. All the best intentions in the world won't change the fact that we just don't have the means to ship our energy products to anywhere but the U.S. for the near future. If we focus on changing that, we do believe the rest will follow.
Thank you.