I'm happy to do so.
If you discuss a business environment in Moldova, it's very complicated. When we discuss energy issues, you can't have very big companies. Big companies in small economies bring about complications. Moldova has, to my knowledge, no energy findings of its own. It has, rather fast, improved its business environment. I'm thinking of a Transparency International corruption perception index and also the World Bank's index on the ease of doing business. But it is so small and it's poor, so it's difficult to operate, from that point of view. It has some substantial improvement in energy efficiency.
Romania is, to my mind, one of the most interesting countries, perhaps the one, besides Ukraine, that I would bet the highest on developing shale gas. Poland, as you mentioned, is another country that is intent on developing shale gas. Poland has introduced quite bad tax rules for shale gas exploration, and therefore, they have now changed those rules, because they scared off countries.
There are a couple of countries that have simply prohibited shale gas. They are the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. I think this reflects the strong influence of Gazprom that is going against it. Gazprom is supporting all kinds of non-governmental environmental organizations in order to make sure that shale gas does not develop. Gazprom is going about this in a very clever political way in eastern Europe.
By and large, all these countries have greatly improved their energy efficiency after the communist era, so the European Union has had a big positive impact. What has also had a great impact is the so-called third energy package of the European Union, which means that countries now have to force energy companies to divide pipelines from the production and sales of energy, which hits Gazprom directly.
This is one of the big battles that is taking place. Both east European countries that are members of the European Union and the European Union itself are very firm on these points.
We're seeing a lot of positive development, meaning more efficiency and more market orientation in this area. As Mr. Dem’ianiuk mentioned before, Ukraine is part of the European energy community, which is what is really needed in order to get into the European energy policy.
Thank you.