The challenge when there's oil in the environment is how to clean up the oil, if you will, soak it up and absorb it. Machines and equipment do that kind of thing. Then there are challenges about how you can break up the oil and its properties so that it's more easily absorbed, consumed, vacuumed, and cleaned up. There are enzymes that break down the carbon chains and the oil, if you will, in the water. There are enzymes that separate the water from the oil to try to make it easier to get the oil to the surface and absorb it.
There are also different techniques. The research in STAs, spill-treating agents, continues around the world. Certainly Canada is contributing to that research again to help improve and develop our ability to deal with it if an event ever occurs in water. It also takes into account whether it's salt water, whether it's fresh water, or the nature of the oil spill.