I'll give you four.
First, remove the $1 billion cap on absolute liability in accordance with the polluter pays principle. That's proposed subsection 26(2.2).
Second, and I haven't mentioned this so I'll put special emphasis on it, eliminate the discretion of the Minister of Natural Resources to reduce absolute liability levels to below the legislated level of $1 billion. Pursuant to advice from the NEB, we don't think that's appropriate.
Third, we have concerns around the elimination of the relief from liability, in specific cases, for the effects of the dumping of toxic chemicals, which are qualified as treating agents, into marine environments. If there is a spill and millions of litres of toxic chemicals are dumped, that is going to be an environmental calamity.
Fourth, we would support the introduction of a requirement for an operator to provide proof that it has the financial resources to pay for the entire amount of at-fault liability, that is, where wrongful conduct is demonstrated, so, much more significant proof of financial resources.