Thank you.
Now we'll get to the business we have before us today.
I want to start by thanking all of the witnesses for being here.
Mr. Labonté, this is two meetings in a row, and we're looking forward to your presentation and your answers to questions by members today.
We are here today to continue our study of Bill C-22, an Act respecting Canada’s offshore oil and gas operations, enacting the Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act, repealing the Nuclear Liability Act and making consequential amendments to other Acts.
For the first three-quarters of an hour this morning, we have from the Department of Natural Resources Mr. Jeff Labonté, director general of the energy safety and security branch, energy sector. Again, thank you.
We have Dave McCauley, director of the uranium and radioactive waste division in the electricity resources branch, energy sector. Welcome to you, sir.
And we have Joanne Kellerman, general counsel and executive director, legal services. Thank you for being here today as well.
Go ahead, please, with your presentation. Then we'll get to the questions and comments after that. I look forward to a meeting as productive as the last one.
Go ahead, please.