Thank you very much.
Just before I thank the witnesses, I want to say that on Thursday we come back dealing with the section on transparency for the extractive sector for an hour and a half, and then we have half an hour to put together a letter to send to the chair of the finance committee. Then, as agreed to by the committee, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources has gotten agreement from the minister to be here the Tuesday after, at committee, to deal with supplementary estimates. We have arranged that, so the committee has business for the next two meetings.
Thank you, gentlemen, very much for being here today, Jonathan Lundy, acting president and chief transition officer in the corporate head office of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; from the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Dr. Walker, president and CEO; and from the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, Jonathan Fitzpatrick, president, Chalk River professional employees group, and Vince Frisina, vice-president, Chalk River professional employees group.
Thank you so much, gentlemen, for being here and giving us this information, which very helpful to us indeed.
The meeting is adjourned.