I'll make two comments.
One is to respond to your opening comment, and Claire might add to this. It would be fair to say that we are almost there. This is Canada on the cusp of demonstrating incredible global leadership. This legislation goes a long way and is largely faithful with the recommendation. I don't want people to think that Canada has dropped the ball here. However, there certainly are some additional amendments that would truly distinguish Canada. That's why we're here today, to put those forward, because it does fall short in some key areas. I see it as an opportunity, so I implore all of you to seize that opportunity by considering our proposals.
On the issue of aboriginal payments, I spoke to it earlier. Generally speaking, it's not critical and it has never been critical to our work. We think that ultimately transparency is valuable in all respects. I would say that it would be a good thing to ultimately get there, particularly as aboriginal governments become more and more autonomous and empowered. But, it's how we get there that's important. It has to involve very comprehensive outreach and consultation with them. In the end I think it will make a lot of sense to actually do this, but we have to get there in the right way.