Okay. I'm just going to read out what the proponent is suggesting, and what their comment is. This is from their website:
The Panel relied heavily on modeling undertaken by NRCan which indicated that there would be significant seepage from the tailings storage facility into Fish Lake. The Panel's findings regarding anticipated seepage, and the related impacts on Fish Lake, are integral to the Panel's conclusion that the project was likely to cause significant adverse effects on fish and fish habitat, wetlands and aboriginal interest in the Fish Lake area.
There are just a few more sentences:
The design proposed by Taseko for the tailings storage facility includes development of a continuous low permeability compact soil liner to restrict seepage losses. This is a common and acceptable practice for modern facilities that have been recently permitted and developed in British Columbia and elsewhere in the world. The NRCan design, which was the basis of their analysis, is completely different than the Taseko design, as NRCan has assumed that the low permeability basin liner is not included and that seepage will therefore readily leak into more previous overburden and fractured bedrock.
From your perspective, it seems there was flawed data used in the analysis. Can you speak to that?