Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon, everybody. Bonjour à tous.
I would like to thank the committee for the opportunity to speak to you today. I know you have already heard from many of my sector colleagues, both from the public service and from industry. What will be different today, I expect, is that what I say here reflects the Canadian Wood Council’s area of focus, which is twofold. The first is maximizing the fair representation of structural wood products and wood building systems in the National Building Code of Canada and the standards related to it. The second area is maximizing market uptake through the education of construction sector stakeholders, including engineers, architects, and builders.
Hopefully, as you think of wood products in this presentation, it will be clear that I don’t speak for forestry practices or pulp and paper products, work areas for which both FPAC and FPInnovations speak on the national level.
This being said, I have four topic areas I would like to address today: the building code regulatory framework, education, public work procurement policy, and innovation and investment including demonstration.
The first area is the regulatory framework. In the 2006 timeframe, building codes moved away from being prescriptive solution based to being objective based. This move allowed for the increased uptake of new products and building techniques so long as the opportunity met the health, structural, and fire safety and accessibility provisions of the building code. So those are the key objectives of the building code.
An example of this is the use of firewalls, for which the code went from specifying masonry—using only masonry for firewalls—to specifying a two-hour fire performance requirement. This had the most excellent unintended consequence of allowing for new and innovative construction solutions, in fact, new construction choices, to come forward, allowing for decreased construction costs, whether for materials or for construction time. This translates into increased affordability for homebuyers. It was within this context that the B.C. government and CWC, the Canadian Wood Council, pushed for increased heights in areas, thus allowing five- and six-storey wood mid-rise construction to be moved across Canada.
Now, as our industry looks forward to the increased recognition of science-supported innovative products in building codes, allowing, for example, for the construction of taller buildings and/or increased span wooden bridges, there is recognition that codes must evolve further, from being just objective based to being performance based. Such an opportunity would most certainly allow for the elimination of code language like “combustible” or “non-combustible” in the documents themselves, key discriminants when it comes to what gets built.
In this context, my industry will push forward for performance-based codes; this is for the 2020-25 code, so two code cycles from now. I would like to think that government's role will be to encourage the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes and the National Research Council’s codes centre to work on this evolution of the code. I know they are interested; I think it just needs to be supported. This will have the consequence of their taking on or improving on the uptake of innovation in building construction.
The second area I’d like to address, hopefully a little bit more quickly, is education. The success or failure of taller, bigger, better performing and more quickly built wooden buildings is contingent on several factors: codes, materials, locations, and budgets. Successful building requires a design team that understands wood. This has been one of the biggest stumbling blocks to achieving the great potential of wood this century. Architects, engineers, and builders must have a thorough knowledge of the three basic structural materials—wood, concrete, and steel—in order to be able to make the best decisions for the construction of these buildings. In this case, experience is one thing, but it is best served with a foundation of knowledge.
The foundation of knowledge regarding how these materials can be used should be laid early in professional training, preferably at the post-secondary level or earlier. Currently few of the post-secondary architecture or engineering programs that exist in this country have a basis in wood. This kind of training should be a part of the core curriculum for all architects and engineers so they will be as impartial as possible. Times are changing, and these universities are starting to see curriculum drivers. We’re starting to see increased height in mid-rise buildings. As far as tall buildings go, we have three tall demo buildings on the block ready or almost ready to go. These will be 13 to 18 storeys. And we are seeing an increased interest in bridges.
From an industry perspective, we're working to develop and fully supply these curricula. From a government perspective, it would be wonderful if you would see ways to encourage the university systems to foster further education in that field. One way to do that might be to link your investment in R and D to the schools.
Public Works' procurement policy is the next one. Government procurement policy can play a big role in enhancing the wood sector, as it need not be a preferred policy. I'm not looking to further an approach that looks at wood first. I'm suggesting that we could very easily go to a “wood equally” place. In this particular case, this would allow for—and I'll give an example here—at the Public Works level we would say when considering Public Works projects, you must equally consider wood along with concrete or steel. That would be a huge gain to our sector all by itself. Given that wood's performance is increasing, and the opportunities we have for better materials, we would be able to compete very easily in that arena. Add to that the environmental performance of our materials.
The next area is innovation and investment in demonstration. Thanks to the great building science brought on by organizations like the National Research Council and FPInnovations, the wood building systems of today perform much better than a generation ago. This improvement in performance capability has been driven by a desire for higher performance, a reduction in material use, and enabled by the ongoing, mostly focused, innovation.
In this particular case, I would like you to take a look at the way we invest in research and development. In particular, it's not just a matter of participating in research. It's a matter of looking at how we structure that around a vision of the future. That future looks at carbon. It looks at the lower energy performance of these buildings, and in a way it will also look at the resilience of these buildings. I'm suggesting here that we need to invest in that type of future and that the wood products sector should be going along in that area as well. That's investment with a driver in it.
In particular, I'd like to point out that not very much has been done in this country in the area of building science. We certainly support products, but the building science itself is a sore point.
To summarize my four key points:
First, there's a need for fair representation of building materials and codes to ensure their use. CWC, my council, is focused on this area, but ensuring that a performance-based code framework for the 2020-25 code cycle is in place is an area that government can help with.
Second, effective wood education is critical for the uptake of wood building systems in the future. Government can help here by pressuring institutions to provide balanced education through strategic investment in university and college research and development.
Third, Public Works procurement policies can create a level playing field by ensuring that wood is considered equally with other products. This is key to a broader uptake in the private sector.
Fourth and last, investment in innovation, particularly in building science and systems R and D, is key to aligning the sector for the future, but such investment must be aligned with the construction sector drivers for lower operational energy, lower carbon footprint, and resiliency.
On a separate note and a very key point, CWC's partnership with NRCan has been critical to our industry's success in code change. I would like to express my appreciation for this, and trust that such strategic support will continue in the future.
That's my presentation. Thank you very much. Merci beaucoup.