John, as you well know, the issue of log exports is contentious. Mr. Matters spoke to it earlier.
We as an industry have a diversified basket of goods we sell across the world that emanates from our forests. That can include anything from salal for floral arrangements, to mushrooms, to logs, to lumber, to pulp and paper, to bioenergy products. It is healthy to have that diversified basket of goods.
The issue is really with the appropriate numbers of logs exported. We have systems in play in British Columbia that ensure those logs don't go offshore if a domestic user requires those logs for their own uses.
So there is a system in place. It's not perfect, but at least it's there.
We promote the use of wood in all jurisdictions. The use of logs in China ultimately ends up increasing the familiarity and acceptance of wood products in building, and that ultimately helps us sell wood in those markets at the end of the day.
I will also note to you that the Chinese....