Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I would like to repeat Mr. Balsillie's remarks regarding what an honour it is to appear before you. Because my background is not quite as public as the former witness, I think I'll go through my professional and board background as a beginning to this interview.
I graduated from the University of Western Ontario, from the Richard Ivey School of Business HBA program, in 1971. I went off to Arthur Andersen to get my CA. After working in audit for a number of years, I was invited to transfer into the insolvency division. While there, I worked on a number of restructurings, special investigations, and receiverships until 1984 when I had an opportunity to go off to Citicorp and work for Citibank Canada, which was just setting up a leveraged buyout unit in Canada.
I went there because they needed someone who knew something about doing a liquidation analysis in Canada, and my insolvency background fit that, and also I was somebody who could do deals. I was a transactor at Citi in the beginning and then became a team leader and did a number of transactions. The two that are still around that you would recognize are VersaCold, which was Versatile Cold Storage back when I did it, out in B.C., and Héroux-Devtek now in Longueuil. I also did a lot of Citicorp's workout work, special bad loan work, non-real-estate related, as part of my duties there.
In 1989 I got an offer I couldn't refuse from Lloyd's Canada. It had been in business here for a couple of years and was having problems with its bad loan area. I was asked to see if I could go in and straighten it out. I did that on a special contract. It took about six months. Things were in pretty good shape, and then they announced they were trying to sell the bank. They asked me to go off and run the Toronto main branch, which was perfect for me because I knew absolutely nothing about running a branch, and I have to say I wasn't that interested in learning, but I did that until the bank was sold.
Then I went off to a start-up, Working Ventures Canadian Fund. Only three people were there when we got going. There was no money. There was no staff. There was no deal flow. It was basically a blank page on an idea that we could run a retail venture capital operation in Canada, similar to but not exactly the same as the Solidarity Fund in Quebec.
We started off, and the first year was a complete capital raising disaster. We hardly raised any money at all, I think about $1.6 million, but the next year, in 1992, we did a little better with $33 million, and by 1996 we were just short of $900 million. During my 12.5 years there until December 2002, I was responsible for investing a little over $700 million in 217 deals and probably 300 or 400 follow-ons to those deals, which is the way it works, and the management company was sold to a competitor in 2002. I had a non-compete, so I could go off and work on boards, and then I began to do some more of that work. I had a lot of board experience at that point, but this was an opportunity to focus on that.
I think you've got my CV, so I won't go through the boards I was on and then off. One of them, Journal Register Company, which is in Philadelphia, that I got on because I was recruited through a hiring agency in New York, was in the newspaper business. They had somewhere around 350 publications in eight states. It seemed interesting, and that's where I went.
In 2007, the CEO had medical issues and had to go into clinical trials, so the board said, “Jim, maybe it would be a great idea if you would become the acting CEO until we can find a new one.”
At that time, all newspaper companies in the U.S., and a lot of them in Canada, had declining revenues. By the fall of 2007, you could not sell a newspaper property if you had too much debt, and you could not hire anybody to come in and straighten things around, so the board asked me if I would be the permanent CEO. I said I would, but on the condition that I would not be moving to Philadelphia, because sooner or later, we were going to blow our leverage covenant with our 38 banks, against our $700 million in debt, and we were probably headed for chapter 11.
To make a long story short, we filed under chapter 11 in February 2009. The Philadelphia Inquirer, the big newspaper in Philadelphia, filed the next day. I think the Chicago Sun Times went a month later. The Chicago Tribune had gone the December before. Newspaper business was pretty hard, and still is right now.
I was done working in the office in March of that year, although I was paid until September and was on standby in case things came up with the bankruptcy court.
I came back to Toronto and went back to working for myself. I had done a lot of M and As work, and as you can see from my resumé, some special investigations work as well along the way. I've done a lot of board work, and continue to do a lot of board work.
I'm very happy to be on the Atomic Energy Board, because this restructuring they're doing is probably one of the largest, most complicated, most interesting restructurings ever done in Canada.
Thank you.