Thanks very much, Mr. Balsillie.
I'll turn now to Mr. Hall, if I may.
Mr. Hall, one of the things you said was, “I say what I think”. That is actually important in terms of the question I was raising a minute ago, because one of the concerns I have is about the question of medical isotopes. I'd like to ask about experiences you've had that you feel will help you in dealing with issues around medical isotopes. The reason I ask that—I want to give it a bit of a context—is that I was recently talking to a nuclear medicine specialist who is very concerned about what's happening with medical isotopes in Canada and the fact that we're likely to have an international problem in a few years when the NRU at Chalk River shuts down.
Can you give us examples of things that would help me feel that you would be able to advocate aggressively to government on AECL's behalf on various matters?