Good afternoon, everyone. It's good to see everybody back from our constituency work week.
We're continuing our study of the renewal of Canada's forest industry. We have witnesses with us today from four different groups.
From Wawasum Group LP, we have Joe Hanlon, project manager. Welcome to you, sir.
From the Town of Atikokan, we have Mr. Dennis Brown, mayor. Welcome to you, sir.
By video conference, we think, although we're having a little trouble right now—it may be by teleconference before we're done—we'll have Jocelyn Lessard, director general of the Québec Federation of Forestry Cooperatives. Also, from the Quebec Wood Export Bureau, we'll have Sylvain Labbé, chief executive officer.
We will get to the witnesses right away.
Mr. Regan, you have a point of order.