Thank you very much, Madam Touchette and Mr. Regan.
Specifically on your question around the number of inspections and audits, the board is required to conduct 150 inspections per year and 6 audits. We surpassed that. As I mentioned earlier, in 2014 we conducted over 350 compliance activities, of which audits and inspections were included.
With respect to the earlier point you made about the important measures with respect to prevention, I would point to two key aspects of the bill that do speak to prevention quite clearly.
One is on the improvements in the bill to the damage prevention regime. On damage prevention, of course, one of the big concerns around pipeline safety is ensuring that people who are working around a pipeline know the pipeline is there and are taking appropriate measures and steps to not damage the pipeline. Of course, if there is damage to a pipeline, this could cause a rupture or an explosion. We've worked very hard to ensure that the public is aware of the requirements in the legislation around that.
The second is on audits. An audit is a very important way that we go out and work with companies to understand their management systems.