Ultimately, whether it be Keystone...and I would suggest that the other projects, which are hoping to flow either east or west, are even more important to us because the reality is that we are currently suffering a loss in the order of $50 million per day in terms of full value for our resources that are flowing to one single market—albeit to our good neighbour to the south, which is enjoying that subsidy on Canada's behalf at the moment. As Mr. Blakely has said, it is crucial that, as a nation, we create options for ourselves by having access to other markets so that we can be sure we are getting full value for our resources.
Sixty billion dollars in projects are on the table over the next many years, and 25,000 jobs currently in the sector. You heard Mr. Blakely speak to the very significant numbers of jobs through the construction phases, at least. Last year, $100 billion in resources were transported, even at that discount, which provides tremendous contributions to the social fabric of our nation. We need to find a way to get there. It is incumbent upon government to create the circumstances, and for business to do it right.