Consistent with what I've said previously, I am moving that proposed subsection 48.12(9) be amended to say not only federal and provincial, but also include municipal institutions, and that aboriginal governing bodies may institute proceedings to recover loss of a non-use value described in paragraph 1(c). I am proposing that to ensure that the law is consistent.
Proposed section 48.15 says that reimbursement may be sought by any federal, provincial, or municipal government institution or any aboriginal governing body. To not do so means that in some cases a municipality or an aboriginal body can seek restitution and in other cases they cannot.
I look forward to an explanation why there would be inconsistent rights and opportunities under the bill. In some cases municipalities and aboriginal governing bodies could seek recompense and in other cases not. The arguments I've heard previously against that puzzle me, since they have specifically included them proposed section 48.15.