Proposed subsection 48.12(8) addresses Her Majesty's costs and expenses as incurred. So a finite amount of costs and expenses would be removed from the government's ability to pursue it under the Fisheries Act.
It would be important to start with the Fisheries Act. It only applies where there is fish bearing water. Not all pipelines traverse or even are near fish bearing water. So the liability regime and the pipeline safety act's purpose is to set out a common, consistent liability regime for the entire country where all federal pipelines are found.
In terms of the Fisheries Act's application for government costs, it would only be appropriate in the event of an incident where that Fisheries Act would apply.
The second bit would be that the proposed subsection before this preserves the right to continue unlimited absolute liability under any other act where that act has a higher amount. So the amendments's suggested removal of proposed subsection 48.12(8) would remove the government's abilities to avoid a conflict of government for pursuing things between the Fisheries Act and the pipeline safety act, but it does preserve unlimited absolute liability where it applies in another act, and that does apply in the Fisheries Act. My understanding is that it applies for commercial fishers who receive their livelihood from commercial fishing in areas where the Fisheries Act applies.