I wonder if I could just follow up on the questions that my colleague just asked. I just remember the issue that the firefighters raised with me. I'm not saying this to be negative about wood. I know we're starting to build arenas now again with beautiful wood, which we used to do. But in the move to the bigger buildings, with wood instead of metal, what they're concerned about, as I understand it is the frame, with the ones that go up and down. With the wood construction they're going to be closer together, so if a firefighter is stuck in a building, he can't get out because they're so close together. I'm just sharing that. Those are the kinds of concerns they are raising with a number of us, and that should be looked at.
I wanted to follow up with Dr. Innes and Mr. Macdonald about your call for intensified engagement of the federal government in monitoring. Historically, the federal government used to be a lot more engaged in forests and forestry. I'm just wondering what specific recommendations you might make about that. I know there are drone companies in my own riding and they would like to be engaged in that. I hear lots of concerns in my jurisdiction, which is Alberta, not with the forest industry but with the oil and gas sector because we're losing so much potential wood product by the clearance for seismic and for oil sands and just conventional oil and gas. I'm wondering whether that's a factor that is being looked at in the monitoring as well. It may be particular to my province because it may be that we're losing, but I know in northern British Columbia now there's a lot of gas activity.
I wonder if you could just give us a little bit more detail about what you might recommend for a role of the federal government in the increased state of the forests so that it could support both the sustainability of the forest and the wood industry—and anybody else could also add to that.