As far as pulp and paper are concerned, we have the first plant here that is converting to a biorefinery. That plant used to depend on just one product, cardboard packaging. Not long from now, the plant will have two major products: the conventional product and chemical products, sugars. They will be used in different chemical applications.
Over the years, this business has also been incorporated in primary timber processing plants. In an effort to reduce cost and become more competitive, timber has been incorporated into pulp and paper processing in order to optimize the use of the fibre. I am still talking about the pull and push method.
All that is then carried over to the forest, where harvesting and preparing the trees are done according to the needs of the plants they supply. Everything is done with a view to meeting client needs.
Currently, we can say without hesitation that more than half of the primary resource harvested and headed to the sawmill in our area undergoes secondary processing. The resource is therefore given added value under different forms before the product hits the market.
The same goes for pulp and paper, thanks to the arrival of biorefining.