I do. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to meet with the committee.
Mr. Chair and members of the committee, when disaster struck the world economy, our government showed leadership and navigated Canada through the worst recession in a generation. In a volatile world our nation has weathered the global recession better than most. In fact, the Canadian economy has experienced the best performance in the G-7 over the recovery in terms of both output and job creation. Since the depth of the global recession, we have seen over one million net new Canadian jobs.
Today, our government is leading by example. We're keeping taxes low, eliminating red tape, reducing the regulatory burden and promoting free trade and innovation.
In spite of continued instability in many other nations, our government is taking action to ensure that Canada remains one of the most attractive destinations for investment in the world. Our prudent approach to fiscal management has not gone unnoticed. And like our resources, Canada's economy is now the envy of the world.
Our credit rating is a solid triple A, and for the sixth straight year the World Economic Forum ranked Canadian banks as the soundest in the world.
Both the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the International Monetary Fund predict Canada will be among the leaders in economic growth in the industrialized world over the next two years.
Mr. Chair, these aren't just statistics. Behind the numbers is a robust economic performance that has a direct impact on millions of Canadian households right across the country. Key to that performance is the ongoing strength of Canada's natural resources.
For decades Canada's natural resources have been the backbone of our economy and our standard of living, and that is still the case today. They're an integral part of our Canadian identity and they help provide us with a quality of life that is second to none.
Together natural resources directly account for more than 13% of our gross domestic product and more than 50% of our merchandise exports. When you include the supply chain that provides goods and services to the resource sectors, natural resources account for almost one-fifth of our economic activity, 1.8 million direct and indirect jobs, and $32 billion in revenue to governments to support crucial social programs. Energy resources are an enormous part of that equation.
As I noted last year at a similar appearance before this committee, one of our government's top priorities is to diversify its energy markets, particularly to the Asia-Pacific region where demand is growing. This is especially important since our country currently exports virtually all of its exports of oil and gas to the United States, where recent discoveries of tight oil and shale gas mean the U.S. will need fewer Canadian resources in the future.
A number of proposed projects will help diversify our markets and create jobs and growth for Canadians. Of course, there are proposals for pipelines to the west coast that would help open up lucrative new markets in Asia for Canada's energy projects.
I understand that the NDP leader has problems with geography. He has said that, believe it or not, New Brunswick is actually closer to China than British Columbia is. Well, I don't believe it, because it is actually more than twice the nautical distance, and if Mr. Mulcair needs any help, I can provide a little gift of a globe to him. Maybe he was thinking we could ship the oil by airplane, but that's farther as well. I think tankers would be a more efficient sort of way and they would lower the carbon footprint.
Do we have a problem, Mr. Chair?