Sure. I wouldn't have the line item kind of detail, but essentially the National Energy Board was fitted in offices in Calgary. As per normal practices, at the end of the lease period Public Works and Government Services Canada made an assessment as to whether this was the best place for it to be in terms of getting best value for money. It was determined that it would be appropriate to pursue a competitive process to identify the best opportunities in Calgary because, of course, in Calgary lease costs can be quite expensive in certain parts of the city.
Having identified an alternative location, the NEB had to ensure that it had the resources to do the one-time expenditure of moving. It also turns out that the dates didn't coincide perfectly, so it actually has to have some temporary space for some of its activities before it's fully fitted into the new building. It has to fit according to federal Government of Canada standards where the square feet per employee are specified. All of that requires some one-time money that, as the minister indicated, is essentially borrowed from future appropriations of the National Energy Board, simply because they don't have the cash on hand immediately. But essentially you are prepaying in part your future rental costs.