Well, I would certainly say there are certain countries that do offshore and have what appear to be less stringent regulations and regimes, but for the most part, there is sometimes a lack of transparency and specificity in their regimes, such as, for example, Nigeria and some of the countries that are producing offshore.
I'm always careful not to say that we're better than or less than, but certainly we feel very strongly that our regime stands up to scrutiny. It's transparent. It's clear. Everything is laid out. It spells everything out. There's a consultation process when we make changes. There's input and there are intervenors and processes that allow us to continue to move forward.
There's a broader community globally of all the regulators. My colleagues from the boards may speak to this. Best practices are shared among the international regulatory forums. Annually, there is an exchange between the head regulatory agencies around the world that are responsible, and they make recommendations for improvement in areas of interest to address.