Yes. First, you spoke to the hierarchy, as did your colleague, and the number of players and the complexity. When you hear offshore regulators and regulators of the industry in general talk about safety culture, that reflects the importance of all the players understanding and living up to their responsibilities with respect to safety. That has become increasingly important in the offshore post the Macondo incident in the gulf a couple of years ago. The legislation does reflect that importance.
The mandate of the advisory council would be to advise the boards, the federal natural resources and labour ministers, and the provincial natural resources and, in the case of my jurisdiction, service Newfoundland and Labrador ministers on the administration and enforcement of the amendments and any other matters related to occupational health and safety. The makeup is spelled out in the legislation, who appoints whom.
Beyond that, I think that's as far as I can comment at this time, unless Stuart has any other wisdom to offer.