There was fairly extensive consultation with the board with respect to the most recent suite of Transport Canada regulations. That work ended just a couple of weeks back. A fundamental point here, which you reference, is that the jurisdictional oversight of air transit does fall to the responsibility of Transport Canada. Helicopters to be used for offshore travel would fall under their jurisdictional responsibility.
Our aviation advisers, who were put in place following the crash of flight 491, tell me that we need to proceed with caution here. There's no one perfect helicopter. There are pros and cons to each type. Thirty-minute run-dry is certainly an important capability, but it's only one consideration among many if you're doing a holistic assessment of the safety of a particular model of helicopter. Other considerations would include things like seating and window configuration, ease of egress, flotation ability, one-engine inoperability capability, range, and anti-icing. We need to be careful. There are only a couple of helicopters designed to meet the requirements of our offshore, and again, there's no perfect answer in that regard.