Yes, I would tend to agree.
A large part of the problem lies with the fact that the offshore is jointly regulated, certainly on the east coast and then in Canada, in the sense that Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia, and the federal government, have legislative authority over the offshore. As a result, the regulations and legislation that govern the offshore have to be agreed upon by those three parties and passed in the respective legislatures of those entities. That often takes time. We find ourselves on the east coast with a lot of quite dated regulations, and even outdated regulations in some respects, for our industry.
So what industry has been doing in recent times is producing their own industry standards or industry recommended practice. We go over and above what's in regulations to try to ensure that the operators in industry adhere to our own set of standards such that our performance can be greatly improved. As an example, we recently produced a guideline on safe lifting practices. That is the lifting of equipment off supply vessels on to offshore installations. That's a guide for anyone who's working in the offshore, which they have to follow, or at least we suggest that they follow. It is an industry guide.
What the regulators do, because the regulations are a little outdated, is that they condition any work authorizations granted to the operators to state that the operator actually has to adhere to an industry recommended practice, or in this case an industry guide. That is a little different from what we see in most jurisdictions. The reason for it is because there are no government regulations associated with that activity.