Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee, I'd be happy to come forward on another occasion also should that be preferable for the sake of oral testimony and questions.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide remarks today related to your study on the future of Canada's oil and gas, mining and nuclear sectors.
My name is Timothy Egan. I'm president and CEO of the Canadian Gas Association. The Canadian Gas Association is the voice of Canada's natural gas delivery industry.
I believe you've all been handed out a short selection of slides. The map on page 2 in the materials identifies the natural gas distribution and transmission companies that deliver energy solutions to almost seven million Canadian customers. Today, over half of the population, representing about 20 million Canadians, relies on the natural gas delivered to their homes, buildings, hospitals, schools, and businesses, using almost 450,000 kilometres of underground delivery infrastructure and storage facilities.
What most people don't realize is that today, natural gas meets over 30% of the energy needs in the country; that's more than electricity. The question often is, why it is so popular an energy choice. For some it's because natural gas is safe and reliable; for others it's because natural gas is a clean-burning energy choice with fewer emissions than many other fuels that can be used in high-efficiency appliances in multiple applications. It is an important partner for renewables in decentralized energy systems. Others like the adaptability of our product in that it can be used in furnaces, hot water heaters, dryers, fireplaces, BBQs, stove tops. Many other innovative natural gas applications are emerging. Customers mostly appreciate that natural gas offers huge economic benefits. As the charts on page 3 and 4 of the package I handed out indicate, the affordability of natural gas is ever more noticeable for homes, businesses, and large industries facing higher costs for other energy commodities and services.
With all of these attributes, we think there's a case to be made for even greater use of natural gas in Canada. We call that case Canada's natural gas opportunity. The delivery industry, in partnership with government, can help to reduce emissions to keep energy affordable for Canadian families and businesses; to ensure that northern and remote industries and communities, including indigenous communities, have access to more affordable, clean, safe, and reliable energy; to support market transformation in the heavy-duty, return-to-base, off-road, and marine transportation sectors for a cleaner, more affordable fuel; and to drive energy efficiency and energy technology innovation.
Let me highlight for you a few specific opportunities. We talked about these in our pre-budget submission and have information on these on an ongoing basis available on our website and elsewhere.
First is connecting communities. A significant number of family homes and businesses in communities across Canada do not currently have access to natural gas and are dependent on more expensive, less reliable, and often higher emitting energy options. This is because the natural gas distribution network has not yet expanded to these communities. A recent ICF International report says that by utilities partnering with governments and other stakeholders to bring natural gas to communities not already served, the following can be achieved: The average new natural gas residential customer would save approximately $1,619 a year, or more than $25,000 over the life of the gas-heating equipment. Over a 25-year period a cumulative reduction in CO2 of 1.97 million tonnes would occur, equivalent to removing 405,000 passenger vehicles from the road for one year. Over a 25-year period, $1.7 billion would be added to Canada's GDP with government revenues increasing by over $600 million.
Second is energizing the north. In Canada, approximately 200,000 people live in nearly 300 remote communities across the country. Their locations mean they're disconnected from central energy networks, so the provision of a reliable and cost-effective energy supply is a constant challenge for homes and businesses, and a barrier to economic development. Another ICF International report, to be publicly released in the coming weeks, says that by 2025, at least 23 power generation and 58 industrial customers in Canada's north could convert to LNG. Initial findings suggest this would result in the following over the 25-year study period: $2.1 billion in energy cost savings; a cumulative reduction in CO2 of 11.1 million tonnes, equivalent to the annual CO2 production of over 2.3 million passenger vehicles; $11 billion added to Canada's GDP; and $4 billion in increased government revenues.
Third os fuelling with natural gas. Natural gas can help reduce the operating costs and emissions in many vehicles, including heavy-duty and medium-duty trucks, transit rail, marine, and off-road vehicles, all of which are key to keeping the Canadian economy moving. Natural gas used as a transportation fuel offers significant fuel cost savings and emission reductions over conventional fuel options.
Fourth is promoting energy efficiency through natural gas utilities. Distribution utilities have been developing successful energy efficiency programs for their residential, commercial, and industrial customers for more than 20 years. Since the year 2000, utilities have invested $1 billion in their energy efficiency programs, saving $1 billion in natural gas costs for consumers and reducing emissions by 50 megatons.
Fifth is driving innovation through co-operation with our industry. Canada's natural gas utilities have been aggressively encouraging end-use energy technology innovation for many years. Partnering with organizations such as Sustainable Development Technology Canada, the National Research Council, the Natural Gas Technologies Centre based in Boucherville, Quebec, the Chicago-based Gas Technology Institute, the American Gas Association, and various international partners, new innovative technologies are being tested, demonstrated, and developed. Let me take a moment to speak about these.
Building on internal industry work over several years, we negotiated with SDTC to create the SD natural gas fund in 2014. The collaboration, the first of its kind between SDTC and private industry, has so far funded four projects resulting in approximately $13 million invested in Canadian natural gas new technology companies. Several new projects are under consideration now which, if funded, could more than double that investment in the next 12 months alone.
In other words, we have created momentum with this fund and the prospects for growth are significant. We're investing in renewable natural gas, in power to gas, in micro combined heat and power, and in other technologies aimed at improving the environmental performance and effectiveness of our industry. These investments are important as two examples will show.
Renewable natural gas, RNG, by way of example, is a 100% renewable product produced from organic wastes from farms, forests, landfills, and water treatment plants. The gas is captured, cleaned, and put in pipelines to be used in the same way as natural gas in homes, businesses, institutions, and industries from conventional sources today. It's important to understand that RNG is a renewable fuel, and demonstrating that talking about renewables doesn't just mean talking about electricity, as a CO2 neutral fuel, RNG can assist communities and governments in meeting their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Further, because it is produced from local waste sources, it supports local economic opportunities in a range of sectors, including agriculture and forestry.
Canada has the opportunity to be a world leader in the production of RNG, improving and deploying this clean energy technology here and abroad to reduce emissions and to support economic growth. Look for more from us on this significant opportunity in the next few weeks.
Another opportunity that I wanted to describe briefly is power to gas, a technology designed to ensure the effective utilization of intermittent renewable electricity technologies like wind and solar. It uses that often surplus energy to drive electrolysis and thereby produce hydrogen, which can then be stored in the natural gas grid. CGA utilities are working with Canadian power-to-gas innovator Hydrogenics to run pilot projects aimed at assessing how much hydrogen can be stored and how it can be utilized.
The technology highlights the incredible storage capability of the gas pipeline system in Canada today, the ability to use that system to improve the performance of emerging technologies like wind and solar, and the merits of integrating the electric and gas delivery systems to deliver energy more efficiently and effectively.
To sum up, our industry stands ready to work with government in support of keeping energy affordable for Canadians, of protecting the environment, and of growing the economy. We're working to quantify the emission reductions that our members through these and other initiatives would deliver. We look forward to sharing a report on that quantification with the committee within the next few months.
Canada has an incredible energy advantage in its natural gas resource and its distribution industry. We need to continue to capitalize on that advantage and CGA wants to work with parliamentarians where appropriate on that effort.
Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to present at the committee today. I look forward to questions from committee members in written form, or orally at a subsequent appearance.