I would say that in theory, it's absolutely the right thing to do. In theory, it would be a really good foundational accountability kind of thing. In practice, it's going to be a real challenge, partly for the reasons I alluded to earlier. It's hard to get political capital and attention on these kinds of fairly boring things. If there was some federal leadership—a national approach, a reaching out to the provinces to come on board and collaborate and sign up—that kind of a co-operative, collaborative approach may very well have more legs over time. As more people see the benefits of it, instead of a risk attention capital and everything else, they see the clear investment and return, and that they should be on board.
It's more something that you try and set up, and start providing leadership on the standardization. You then provide a framework for more and more people to sign on, because it's a much more efficient way of doing it. I gather it was for the same reason that British Columbia joined Alberta and Saskatchewan in reporting; there's a very clear business case. We need that kind of a start to demonstrate that this works and has value. More and more people will then sign on. There are a number of provinces that are really quite keen to do it, because they're running into gaps today. That could be a start.