Can we resolve the aboriginal challenges in Canada? I think it is great that we are signing it. I think the reality is that first nations have enough power right now to impede, if not block, most new linear development if it is not in a way that ultimately benefits their interests. It is probably a good thing. I don't need to tell people here that there is a crying need for sustainable economic development in the first nations and aboriginal regions of the country.
To me, the big challenge is how to do this in a way that builds viable, sustainable regional economies in those first nation areas. It isn't just about paying them enough money for them to say that the pipeline can go through there. It is about how to take that and create the skills, training, and job opportunities that will allow these places to be thriving in 20, 30, 40, 50, or 100 years, two or three generations, from now.
Those are huge challenges. Again, that is one of the big challenges of our nation. If we can take some of the wealth we are generating from doing this and reinvest it with that specific goal in mind, we will have solved one of the biggest challenges this country faces.