I think a success is the Asian gypsy moth, which we've actually been able to eradicate from Canada. It's been detected in Canada. It's been detected in B.C. and Ontario. It was detected in the Toronto area. However, with federal and provincial governments working together, that's been eradicated. So, there's a moth that didn't become the European gypsy moth that we do have in the east.
Another success story around gypsy moths—there are a lot of other examples—is the European gypsy moth in B.C. because who would have ever thought...? Twenty years ago, they used to spray with D6 over whole big swaths of areas. There was a reaction on Vancouver Island this year when they went to spray because it's aerial spraying. However, the provincial government has sprayed for years, and we do not have established European gypsy moths in B.C.
Those are success stories, and I think we have to build on those successes because keeping them out is by far the best step rather than chasing them.