We're going to resume with our second panel of witnesses. We're doing something a little different this time. We have two witnesses in our second hour.
From the B.C. First Nations Forestry Council, we have Keith Atkinson, who's with us by video conference.
From the office of the chief forester in the B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, we have Diane Nicholls, by audio only. The video isn't working.
Thank you, both, for joining us, in a manner of speaking.
Each of you will be given an opportunity to make opening remarks for up to 10 minutes. It doesn't have to be 10 minutes, of course. After both of you have done that, we'll open up the floor for questions from around the table.
Mr. Atkinson, since we can see and hear you, why don't we start with you, sir?