Those of you who know me will know that I have a view about issues like that, but I'll beg off on the specifics in this case. I'll simply talk about the value of trees and the need to do more, and the need, in answer to Mr. Hehr's last question, to not just say to people, “Plant trees.” We have a lot of people who, with the best intentions in the world, plant the tree, but they don't look after it.
At Tree Canada, we have our trees planted properly and appropriately by professionals and we monitor the success rate. We're running at somewhere around 75% success after five years. If you just plant a tree and go away, it may work or it may not. Our view is simply that we're doing a little, but a lot needs to be done. When a lot needs to be in Canada, those of you who live in municipalities will know they lack expertise and they lack currency, and when something big needs to be done, there's the big government, and that's it. It's the big government that should do it.