Nothing could be more untrue and completely offensive, because small and medium-sized businesses are the lifeblood of the economy. We are the ones who keep people employed and get people to pay taxes to give to politicians so they can do the program. If you don't have us, you don't have any money to do anything.
A lot of my members right now are negotiating their locations, and Ohio is phenomenal in what they offer. The biggest thing I see in Canada versus the United States is that they welcome you with open arms. They don't treat you like you're a bourgeois sweatshop owner abusing your employees. They treat you like you're the job creator and contributor to society that you are.
If there are none of us, there are no programs and there's nothing, so yes, I find that quite offensive, especially the attack on passive income, because that's what we do either to save up for a piece of equipment so that we can be more efficient, or to save for a rainy day so that we do not have to lay people off during the downturns.
What people don't understand is that 92% of businesses are 100 people or below. We have great relationships with our employees. We want to take our employees, develop them and move them along. In fact, a lot of the managers at our company started by hanging parts on a line. When the government treats us like criminals, I can see why people decide they are going to get out of Dodge.
When you put your life into a company and look after your employees.... The stories of people who support their employees.... We had an employee whose wife had cancer. He came to work for a few hours and then went to look after her for a few hours. Our stories never get told, and there is never any recognition that we do good for employees and for communities and that we contribute charitably.
The negative talk coming out of the federal government is not helpful and serves to drive business out of here.