Good morning, everybody. We've been anxiously awaiting the commencement of the meeting today.
Thank you to our witnesses. We had a bit of a delay. We had a vote in the House, so we're grateful for your patience.
The format was that we would have two panels, one in each hour. Given the late start, we're going to merge the panels. All four witness groups will present, one after the other, and once all the groups are finished presenting, we'll open the floor to questions from around the table.
Mr. Luymes, I understand you might have to duck out a bit early; and Professor Rousse, you might have to leave us a bit early as well. The meeting runs until one o'clock, so if you stay as long as you can, we would be grateful.
Each group will be given up to 10 minutes to do their presentation.
Mr. Luymes, since you are the one with the time constraints, why don't we start with you?