I would disagree somewhat with the notion that businesses will do it anyway because it's a good opportunity. There are a bunch of restrictions in the system. Some businesses, especially small businesses, can make easy decisions like that. We notice, especially with some large organizations, a lot of barriers within the organization, the first one being not knowing what the opportunities are. They may very well have fantastic opportunities to save energy, but they're completely ignorant as to what those opportunities are. In order to find out where the opportunities are, you need to do an energy audit; you need to do a benchmarking study. You're talking $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000 for a study. That's the initial hump to get over.
I firmly believe that offering incentives and supports around that audit piece or that identification piece.... I think there can be a lot of research and development that actually brings the cost of that way down through data analytics and optimization. Those sorts of things are on the horizon for the next five years, but right now, the first barrier to get over is helping business owners and building owners identify what the opportunities are.
Even then, once you do that, there are some further barriers. Sometimes you're fighting for limited maintenance budgets. You may say, “Hey, you can spend $100,000 and get a five-year payback”, but they have that $100,000 earmarked for a new roof, and they don't have it to spend on a new building control system or new pumps. So maybe there's a financing piece that could help.