On the residential file, our main program is our heating and cooling program, our HVAC program. We've also been having an online retailer program, through which people come in and have an instant discount on some of their energy efficiency products. For small businesses, we actually have a direct install program. We'll go directly into the small businesses and install some of the efficient lighting and efficient refrigeration. A lot of these are mom-and-pop stores. They just don't have the time to be the energy manager and be the HR representative and finish the payroll.
In terms of businesses, our flagship program is our retrofit program. We pay a portion of the project cost, whether that be on prescriptive measures or large custom projects. We also have audit funding programs, as I mentioned. We fund audits so they can understand where they should better utilize their dollars and on which projects.
Finally, we have a large industrial program focused on large industrial process and system improvements. It can also get into lighting, but a lot of these are larger projects, such as combined heat and power projects that take multiple years to complete.
We have a suite of these programs. These programs are all funded through the electricity ratepayer. Right now, they're all funded through our global adjustment fund.