I would suggest to you that both have reached a level of maturity. I think what we've seen, particularly on the residential side, is a significant uptake on LED lighting, so improved lighting. We are getting that. In the businesses, I absolutely agree with you that, as a business owner, you're looking for ways to reduce your costs. Improvements in energy efficiency can do that, and so there are more business cases for that.
In both cases, the residential and the business side, the market has matured and the awareness of the benefits of these programs, or opportunities if you will, is such that we can start to look again at the level of investment that's required, and start to rely on the market more and the business opportunity more to drive some of this funding.
Through our efforts in Ontario over the last decade or so, we've certainly demonstrated the case, and we've certainly demonstrated the opportunity, and we've certainly demonstrated the savings that are there. That being the case, I think the market is in a position to respond more now.They don't need that level of incentive, or that level, as I mentioned, of those kinds of designed programs, that full suite. They see the opportunity.
Customers have become way more creative, way more innovative in terms of being able to take advantage of opportunities that are there. That's why we like so much the pay-for-performance program. We're not saying they have to do this, or they have to do that, or they have to do this, we're saying there's an opportunity here. At four cents a kilowatt hour, it very much competes with others. As I mentioned, it's the most cost-effective resource we have, so it can compete with other resources. But if we can also find a way to reduce our level of costs in this, that's what we're trying to do as well.